Monday, October 29, 2012

Oct 29 Monday - The Armitage

An earlier start today as we headed out to see the two displays at the Armitage Museum, an affiliated museum of the Armitage in St. Petersburg. Due to the ongoing renovation of the Van Gogh Museum, a large collection of his paintings are on display at the Armitage along with a large collection of Impressionist paintings belonging to the Armitage. Unfortunately, I was not permitted to take any photographs at the museum (strictly verbotten as the sign said), so you'll just have to take my word for the impressive collection that took us nearly two hours to see, plus another two to see the Armitage's Impressionist paintings.
In London
The collection of Inpressionists was vast including works by Renoir, Monet, Cwzanne, Gaugin, Rodin, Laurens, Rousseau, Pissarro, Sisley, Moret, Degas, and Hoffbauer. We were particularly attracted to the painting by Hoffbauer titled, "In London", an Impressionist piece that maintained a strong bond to the Academy rules and allowed Hoffbauer to show it at the annual Salon in Paris.

The weather did not cooperate and our walk back to the hotel was cold and wet, although we did find a delightful chocolate shop on the walk and bought some treats to eat on the way. Before we had walked a block, we returned for a larger selection to bring home.

For dinner we ate again at Lucius. Donna had a full dinner of mussels and I had the turbot, both excellent as well as a bottle of the same sauvignon blanc we had last night. We sat next to a couple from New Jersey who have been coming to Amsterdam twice a year for the past 10-years. Lucius is one of their favorite restaurants -- I concur.

Chocolate Shop

The "Five Flies" Restaurant

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