Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oct 24 Wednesday - Victoria & Albert Museum

Carolyn stayed Tuesday night at a hotel near Gatwick Airport, and Vasilis left very early (as ususal) for his office, well before we woke up. It was just Donna, Philip and me for the day together and we had it planned out pretty well.  After breakfast we headed to the Victoria & Albert Museum. The Museum has a special exhibition of Hollywood costumes that we thought Philip would enjoy seeing. We didn't realize that entry required tickets with specific times for entry. The earliest available for us was 12:30 pm, nearly two hours away. We decided to buy the tickets and spend the time wandering around the museum, which we did. Their is an extensive section on early clothing with some remarkably preserved items from the 15th century on.

Glass Sculpture
We saw several examples of sarcophogi lids, carved in the likeness of the inhabitants. The entry has what looks like a Chihuli glass sculpture hanging from the ceiling, but I didn't check out the artist.

Henry VIII Writing Box
The Hollywood exhibit was interesting, with the costumes from what seemed to be just about every famous movie made, from Charlie Chaplin's Tramp, Darth Vader, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Harry Potter, Gone With the Wind, and of course, Judy Garllands dress and red slippers from the Wizard of Oz.

15th Century Ark

Philip in Fron of Light Box
Harry Potter Costume

Judy Garland's Dorthy

Ruby Slippers

Steam Engine from Textile Mill

Victoria & Albert Museum

Early 19th Century Locomotive
Enigma Machine
Globe at Science Museum
We had lunch at yet another Lebanese restaurant in the area and afterwards went to the Science Museum. I wanted to the see the origina Enigma Machines that were made famous by Alan Touring as the man who broke their code and saved untold thousands of lives and helped bring the war to a close. The museum has extensive holdings of early technology in Great Britain and I wish I could have spent more time there, but the day was already late and we had dinner reservations at Cafe Spice Namaste, one of the best Indian restaurants I've ever been to. I know I'll regret eating as much as I did, but then, I usually do.

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