Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday, June 3rd -- We all slept late, not getting up until after 8:00 am.  Daniel made French scrambled eggs (very creamy), Karen squeezed fresh orange juice, and we had coffee from both a French press and a pod espresso machine. It was nearly 11:00 am by the time we were out of the apartment.  We followed Karen to the Sunday "bird market" where bird fanciers showed off their wares, having walked past the Louvre with what looked like a two hour line or more to enter. We decided to get a 4-day museum pass to avoid the long lines for entry, but not just now. It was here that we caught our first sight of the Eiffel Tower in the distance as we rounded a corner of the Museum. We'll see that another day.

Karen continued to show us the sights of the Latin Quarter, walking past the Sorbonne and the Pantheon on our way to the market at Rue Moufftarde. We spent several hours walking around the markets, buying some fruit, cheeses, and bread to take back to the apartment.  As Paris is notorious for its lack of public bathroom facilities, Karen once again took the lead and taught us how to use the facilities of a crowed restaurant without having to patronize them.  With that out of the way, Donna was good for another few hours.  We decided to take a shortcut back and went underground to the Metro ending up back in Marais and followed Karen once again to the center of the Jewish quarters for a standing lunch of falafal.  The lines to the restaurant were 15 to 20 minutes long and we ordered and paid for our sandwiches before getting into line for the take out window.  Hugh sandwich -- wish I had shared mine, but I did eat the whole thing.  We found a lovely gift shop walking back and bought four ceramic egg holders each with its own tiny salt shaker in the the side.  Now back at the apartment, I'm updating the blog and will work on getting pictures from the last few days uploaded.

In the evening Sharona researched the restaurant scene using the Patricia Wells ap on my Ipad.  We decided on Le Mestrel, a bistro in easy walking distance to our apartment. We had a lovely time together, even though the food was at best unremarkable. Tomorrow we head to the Louvre and a full day of site seeing.

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